Cancer triggers Anxiety and Fear.

Cancer casts a daunting shadow, stirring up deep-seated fears and anxieties that permeate every aspect of life. The unpredictability of its trajectory, coupled with the grueling treatments, creates a perfect storm of stress that disrupts the delicate balance of the immune system.

Prolonged anxiety can significantly weaken immune function, impairing the body’s ability to combat cancer cells effectively. Therefore, it becomes crucial to cultivate a sense of peace and confidence amidst the turmoil.

By regaining emotional equilibrium, individuals not only alleviate psychological distress but also bolster their immune system’s resilience, fostering an environment conducive to healing and recovery from cancer.

Cancer Opportunities presents:

Reduce Anxiety and Fear about Cancer

A workshop for people feeling worried and/or overwhelmed about the cancer diagnosis, who want to discover how to regain their inner peace and confidence.

Our workshop caters specifically to individuals confronting anxiety and fear associated with their cancer diagnosis. We offer an in-depth examination of how these emotions impact the immune system, emphasizing the importance of maintaining its strength during the cancer journey. Our intention is that participants gain valuable insights into managing anxiety and fear effectively to support their overall well-being.

At the heart of our workshop is the introduction of Logosynthesis, a cutting-edge approach renowned for its ability to swiftly alleviate fear and anxiety.

Through a guided group exercise, attendees experience firsthand the transformative power of this approach, witnessing tangible results in just minutes.

Following the demonstration, our team provides practical guidance on integrating Logosynthesis into daily life, empowering participants with a valuable tool for navigating their emotional challenges.

By combining knowledge and practical techniques, our workshop offers a supportive environment where individuals can enhance their resilience and emotional well-being alongside their cancer healing journey.

Did you know you can regain your peace and confidence, in minutes, using Logosynthesis?

Logosynthesis® is an effective and fast method to neutralize fear and anxiety.

Logosynthesis is a method that uses the power of words to reduce and even dissolve worrisome thoughts. With this method, you can reduce anxiety and enjoy the precious moments with your loved ones again. More importantly, it enables you to go through treatments more resiliently.

Let Logosynthesis be your guide to inner peace and strength. Discover opportunities to transform your fears. Together we will ensure that you are not only present in the here and now, but also ready for the challenges ahead.

Your hosts:

Jannie Douma Rispens

Jannie is a psychosocial therapist from the Netherlands. In 2020 she received a cancer diagnosis. She wrote a book for people in the same situation: Cancer Opportunities. The book is full of tips on how to support your own healing process, including self-coaching with Logosynthesis. She is a Practitioner and Instructor in Logosynthesis.

Alan Rojas Yacolca

Growing up in a family where six relatives died of cancer, Alan experienced the impact of cancer as a loved one since the age of four. This inspired him on a journey to explore the connection between mind and body in the service of healing. Today, Alan is an Energy Therapist and Resilience Coach. He is a Logosynthesis Practitioner and Instructor.

Register Now

Reduce Anxiety and Fear

May 17, 16h to 18h CET.
25 Euro
  • Register for this workshop and access:
  • 120 minute online Education and Guidance
  • Relevant Insights on Cancer, Fear, and Healing.
  • Exercises and/or resource(s) to help you boost your Confidence and Emotional Resilience.
  • A community of kindred spirits on a healing journey, willing to support each other.

Cancer Opportunities, 2024.