A cancer diagnosis can disrupt your life.

Cancer is unexpected. It confronts you with life and death.

You have to deal with uncertainty and adversity. Your loved ones stress out while you need calm and support.

You have to make decisions on the spot about your health, while you are being told what to do from different sources. Abundant new questions, confusion, and new information emerge. 

It’s can like sailing on troubled waters with little visibility while trying to figure out our north. This can be a lonely journey.  

And it can also be an opportunity from Life to...

Grow as a Person

It's a chance to reconnect to yourself. To understand what's affecting your well-being as a whole --and to learn how to you can increase your resilience to support your healing.

Boost your health.

It's a chance to learn what affects your health --and to discover new choices you can make to improve your health physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and spiritualy.

Connect with kindred spirits.

It's a chance to get support on your journey. It's an opportunity to embrace living with an open heart, trusting, while living one day at a time.

Cancer Opportunities presents to you:

The Golden Hour

The monthly online support group for people living with cancer to attune to Vitality, Wisdom, Joy, and Love, in the service of their healing.

Every month. Via Zoom. 90 minutes. 

Join us to learn about health, healing, access resources to boost your well-being, and to connect to kindred spirits, also in a healing journey like you.

Increase your resilience with the Golden Hour. Reconnect with yourself during and after the treatment process following a cancer diagnosis.

Whether you received the diagnosis recently or years ago, you are welcome in our community.

You are stronger with our online support group where we provide golden tips to help you relax, tips that inform or inspire you.

In the Golden Hour, people who are or have been in the same situation share their stories.

Discover the healing power of the Golden Hour. Your companion on your healing journey.

Register Now

The Golden Hour - January

April 19, 16h to 17h30 CET.
  • Register for this month's gathering and access:
  • 90 minute online Education and Guidance
  • Relevant Insights on Health, Cancer, and Healing.
  • Exercises and/or resource(s) to help you boost your Resilience and Self Direction.
  • A community of kindred spirits on a healing journey, willing to support each other.

Cancer Opportunities, 2024.