Cancer can also be an opportunity to grow and develop, your chance to a healthier life.

Let us guide you.

Cancer Opportunities, by Jannie Douma Rispens.

Discover how to support your healing with this book.

You cannot choose what comes your way, but you can choose how to deal with it. No one “chooses” cancer.

Worldwide, 18.1 million people will be diagnosed with cancer this year. That is the latest estimate from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the World Health Organization’s cancer research agency. In late 2020, I, Jannie Douma, also received a cancer diagnosis. I was surprised that I was not afraid. Through this book, I hope to help cancer patients and their loved ones to reach that place and recover control of their lives.

The mindset determines the course of the post-diagnosis journey. Do you look at the world from the perspective of trust and can you accept that it is the way it is? Or, do you look at the world from the perspective of distrust and experience everything as threatening and feel fearful.

Most people are afraid after a cancer diagnosis. When there is a lot of fear, it affects the processes in the body. This interferes with the natural healing process. When the fear is adjusted downward, the body also starts to cooperate in recovery. Logosynthesis® is a method to make that fear less significant; both in the person affected and in the people around them. In this book, originally in Dutch and now in English, I describe how you can apply this method for yourself, to make room for recovery and healing. Thus, a cancer diagnosis can be transformed into an opportunity to live more consciously. 

Health is Healing! Join the Movement!

Our Body and Mind need a profound transformation, to support us in our journey of healing. We hold this premise at heart.

Our community offers you resources and oppportunities to expand your consciousness, to increase your vibration, to evolve. We are all here to learn, and grow together.

Explore the Opportunities behind cancer

Learn and Grow with us

As explored in the book, we benefit from support both during diagnosis and treatment, and also to re-join Life when in remission.

We designed a whole curriculum offering you opportunities to explore and understand your experience, and also to learn how to support your own healing at every step of the process, from the intersection of body, mind, and soul.

Visit our agenda to discover the upcoming workshops and programs.

Transform Stress and Anxiety into Peace

We are here to help you.

Overcoming the shock of the diagnosis, the fears of the future, the ideas one hears from others or one is convinced of regarding cancer, health, and healing, dealing with the reactions of doctors, nurses, relatives, neighbors, or coworkers, and dealing with the daily experience itself of being on a cancer journey may take much energy, and may be confusing or disorienting. This in turn triggers stress and increases your cortisol levels, depressing your immune system when you need it at optimum level. 

We are a professional team available to support you along your way, so that you make the most of it, one day at a time, doing what you can to boost your wellness and make your recovery easier.

Support your Healing process with Logosynthesis®!

When you receive a cancer diagnosis, you and those around you are shaken up. It seems that you have no influence on it. But is that true? In this book, I’ll show you how training your mindset can help you make an impact and boost your recovery. And I help you do so using Logosynthesis®.